WE CRAFT PASSION: Turning Fan passion into Brand passion



Barnburner Design

Great Harbor Yacht Club

Great Harbor Yacht Club

Barnburner's design capabilities were on full display in our partnership with Great Harbor Yacht club. Tasked to design a member invitation package with little more than the new logo for inspiration, and the actual club yet to be constructed, our design team studied site plans to create awe-inspiring rendered images representing everything soon-to-be members could expect from the club..A 12-page brochure accompanied the invitation, offering renderings, floor plans, amenities, and all the club had to offer in a sleek, and engaging presentation. For an extra hook, the communication was delivered in a custom package constructed from actual sail cloth embroidered with the Great Harbor seal and logo. The result? All memberships were sold out before even the clubhouse was completed

Allscope Media

Allscope Media

Brand Development, Collateral System & Web Site

Metropolitan Golf Association

Metropolitan Golf Association

Proposed Brand Mark, Web Site & Newsletter

Club Pro Products

Club Pro Products

Corporate Mark, Iconography, Product Packaging & Web Site

Unites Sates Equestrian Federation

Unites Sates Equestrian Federation

Organization Mark

Major League Baseball Properties

Major League Baseball Properties

Event Marks and Uniform Arm Patches

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series

Primary Mark Development & Location Sub-marks

The Motor Sport Country Club

The Motor Sport Country Club

Brand Development, Sales and Marketing Material, Merchandise Design & Web Site

Trump Golf

Trump Golf

This "passport for a day" package was designed to attract potential new club members.  Each hole had its own card to illustrate the hole layout and notes from the course architect on how best to approach the hole. Membership sold out within three months.

AJ Romeo